Wednesday 5 December 2007

BBC News video: Chimps beat humans in memory test

This is an eye-popping news feature from BBC News. This video is definitely a MUST watch!

The chimpanzees are absolutely amazing. Chimpanzees are of course, the closest animal relative to human beings on the evolutionary tree. I know chimps are extremely intelligent creatures as evident from many a Hollywood movie and from science documentaries. Chimps know how to use tools, can be taught Sign Language, and are known to exhibit many human characteristics (like altruism).

However, this is the first time we know that chimps actually have an EXCELLENT (photographic?) memory. This memory faculty far surpasses our own.

I have always thought humans are superior to all other animals when it comes to brain (cognitive) functions. This has now been proven completely wrong! Watching the chimps' stunning performances is truly humbling :-)

The accompanying text article is here:

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