Friday, 2 January 2009

Happy New Year 2009

So over the New Year, we learnt from the news that a bug in Microsoft's MP3 player, the "Zune", caused the player to freeze and cannot be started up. Apparently, there is a Y2K (or more correctly Y2K9) bug in the Zune software, making it think that the year 2008 is NOT a leap year! The solution given by Microsoft: wait for 24 hours. When the Zune's internal clock rolls over to "2nd Jan 2009", the problem date will be bypassed, and the Zune will now be able to start up properly !!!

Sounds similar to other solutions offered by Microsoft to resolve Windows problems (press "Ctrl-Alt-Delete"; power down and power up the PC etc ... )


Of course, bugs abound in every program. You can even find some "mysterious" bugs in Microsoft Windows XP:

Mysterious bug #1

From Windows Explorer, try and create a new folder with the name "con" (or "CON" - it is not case sensitive). You will find that it simply cannot be done. You will also not be able to rename an existing folder's name to "con"/"CON" either.

Mysterious bug #2

Create a new document in Windows Notepad. Make sure this document has exactly 1 line and only the following 18 characters:

Bush hid the facts

Save this Notepad document (you can save it with any file name). Close Notepad. Run Notepad again and open the document file you have just saved. If you have performed this steps correctly, you will see that the line is now changed into either Chinese characters or SQUARE symbols.

(Note: this bug will not work if you created 2 lines in the document by accidentally adding a carriage return at the end of the line. So make sure your Notepad document has exactly 1 line and those 18 characters only).


Of course, this are not "mysterious" bugs. There are perfectly logical - but technical - explanations for both of them which you can look up through Google if you are interested.

However, the Zune bug is another pie in the face for Microsoft after its 2008 fiasco with Windows Vista. In the forums, the solution recommended by experts on avoiding the Zune bug is: get an Apple iPod :-)

And as for problems with Windows Vista: upgrade to Windows XP :-)

This situation is humorously encapsulated in one of the most amazing home made videos I saw yesterday. I am always impressed by end-users who can create home made videos with such professional looking special effects:

Mac vs PC (Transformers edition):


It was also reported in the news yesterday that the financial collapse in the last 3 months of 2008 has wiped out US$7 trillion (ie. US$7000 billion!!!) from the stock market - or all the gains accrued in the last 6 years. The amount lost is simply staggering. How could so much wealth be lost in such a short period of time? Where did the money go to? Did they all disappear into ... a black hole?

The Black Hole:

(I thought the character and scenario featured in this video was very appropriate - Wall Street worker archetype, money, greed, etc).

Let's hope that the turnaround will be quick, and that this year will be better than the last.

Happy New Year!