Thursday, 5 February 2009

Cyril Hanouna

The naked couple who strolled down Holland Village last week truly stirred a storm of discussion in the media here. If you were not aware of it, you can read the Straits Times report from:

There have also been several follow up articles in the newspapers since then about this couple.

Of course, Singapore is an ultra-conservative society (at least on the surface :-) ), so any news involving nudity is guaranteed to become hot media fodder. It is such a shame actually that many people are so prudish about seeing naked bodies. Personally, I think most people are interested - nay - exhilarated! - when they see bare skin. How else can you explain the extremely successful billion-dollar porn entertainment industry? However, because of our stiff upbringing, when we are accosted with such daring displays in public, we will immediately decry about sin, evil, morality etc when in actual fact, the naked couple had done nothing on their part other than to be in their au naturel!

In Europe (and in many other liberal countries), where the populace do not have such severe hang-ups about nudity, the sight of naked bodies in public will not evince such a rigorous reaction from the people. When I spent a few weeks in Germany last year (on a work project), I was impressed by PUBLIC TV showing full frontal nudity without any qualms or perturbations. Although I couldn't understand a word of the German narration or dialogue, I watched a science/health education program about the human body showing everything (no loincloths discreetly covering the naughty bits). There was a game show where participants played in the buff. Movies shown on the TV do not have sex segments censored. Etc. It was too bad I couldn't understand a single word of what I was seeing on the TV :-D . The liberalism was like a breath of fresh air.

My friend forwarded me a YouTube video of a TV program from France featuring a comedian called Cyril Hanouna. After you see this TV segment, you will know why I find amusing the ruckus from conservative Singaporeans who made such a big hoo-hah about the Holland Village couple.

Warning: Adult Content. Action begins at the 3:00 minute mark :-)

Cyril Hanouna:

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